
Posted by psa on Sep 22nd, 2007
Sep 22

I was listening to PBS the other day, a lot of my odd notions derive from things that I start contemplating while listening to PBS, but that is really neither here nor there.  The topic under discussion was things lost and found, specifically about a woman who had repurchased the home she had lived in as a child.  As this discussion was happening, I was in the process of searching for my camera, things lost.  It seems that you never sort out just how important some things are until you lose them.  My camera, for instance, was needed to start taking pictures of some work that I wanted to put on the web, but that was not really relevant.  That was an economic issue.  If I couldn’t find the camera I would need to replace it, but that is just money and inconvenience, nothing irreplaceable.   No, the real issues, the issue with anything lost are the things that are not replaceable.  The things that you value, that you have momentarily forgotten about in the rush and harassment of day to day life that occasionally consumes us. 

As it turns out, the pictures from my recent trip to Europe were on my camera.  Through the tumult of returning and getting through the next few months, I had put off, delayed, not bothered with the process of downloading them to my computer.  Now they were lost, with the camera.  Something irreplaceable, through my distraction and inattention was, potentially, gone forever.  In that moment, I knew that I valued them, that record of my life, of time with my daughter.  Gone.

 So, I started thinking about other things that get lost along the way.  Things that we value that through inattention, distraction, wanton destruction, get lost as we live.  When you see a “Lost Dog” sign posted somewhere, don’t you wonder “How did that happen?”  You know those people loved their dog.  How did it happen?  A moment’s distraction, a gate left unlocked, being torn between two obligations.  All it takes sometimes is an instant and objects, moments, people are lost.  Sometimes it takes longer. 

Sometimes it takes a concerted effort to achieve alienation and neglect, but eventually things are lost, people are lost, connections are lost and then we discover their true value.  The tragedy is that often in our haste and distraction we lose sight of the value of keepsakes, notions, emotions, memories, friends and family until they are gone, missing, lost.

I found the camera, eventually. 

Voting Republican

Posted by psa on Jul 20th, 2007
Jul 20

Occasionally, a friend who was once fond of me, would send me columns by Maureen Dowd, hoping to expand my somewhat limited political sensibilities. There was one recently, “Brothers and Sisters, July 25, 2007, NY Times”, that addressed the effect Bush is having in turning previously staunch Republicans into Democrats. Well, that is pretty straightforward now; the Republican Party is rather onerous to be associated with at the present time. Which gives rise I suspect to a host of “closet” Republicans, but that is another matter.

In any event, the article prompted me to ponder why it is that people voted Republican in the first place. In so far that is that one votes for a party rather then a person, because clearly if one were voting for a person, Bush would have been far less likely to be elected. Then given that one is voting for a party, which particular myth, as there are many, of a party are you voting for. What would prompt any right-thinking person, or fantasy-enveloped person as may be more accurate to vote Republican as clearly about half the country did, approximately, more or less, depending on the day, the state, the person counting and the hang of the chad.

It sprang to mind, and I rather like these thoughts that spring to mind. I tend to think that they are inspired while others of my acquaintance see them as misbegotten and ill considered, but there you have it. It sprang to mind that the reason people who vote Republican do so is because they are dreamers. Democrats are pragmatists, but Republicans are dreamers, they believe. Republicans believe in the American Dream, or perhaps the American Myth. They believe that with a little skill, luck and possibly some hard work, they to can be the next Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs. They believe in the stories promulgated by Horatio Alger, who, as it turns out, according to Wikipedia, was most likely a pedophile, but maybe that is an interesting parallel in its own right with the Republican Party of today, although slightly off topic. However, the Horatio Alger stories, commonly held to be the genesis of the rags to riches notion of the American Dream are, in fact, usually misrepresented. In his stores, or so Wikipedia indicates, the best most characters attain is not great wealth, but rather through courage, character and the assistance of a wealthy elder gentleman, they are rewarded with a stable middle class existence. Interestingly, they do represent the factual reality of most people’s interaction with American society, the evolution of a middle class. Well, and the odd pedophilia thing. How does that fit in?

People who vote Republican believe that they to can become a success here in the USA and that further, if by some wild, weird twist of fate they are successful, then that success will be theirs. No one, governmental or private, will have the right to take their money or their ideas, or tell them what to do, or how to live. It is one of the purest motivations for immigrating here. I can go to the US. I can become a success and no one can take it away from me. It isn’t entirely true. It is, in large part a fantasy, a myth, but nonetheless it is what Republicans are voting for.

Does it sound like there is a quasi religious element to this? Yes, I think that there is, however, it isn’t organized religion in the sense that we typically perceive it when we think of conservation Republican politics. It is the politics of belief, the power of fantasy.

Democrats, on the other hand, are pragmatists. It is a necessary point of view, but a lot less colorful and thus much harder to seduce people into voting with you. Democrats recognize that most of us, maybe 99.9% of us are not going to be the next Bill Gates. The true percentage is probably even worse, but I am only guessing. Given that nearly all of us are going to spend our lives barely getting by, the Democrats figure it would be a good thing to have small things to assist in basic survival. Things like universal health care and enough money to nominally retire. Democrats care about the necessities of life although they are far less glamorous. People vote Democratic when they have given up, when they are worn down and frightened, but people who vote Republican, when they have nothing and have little prospect of ever having anything. These are the people voting on faith, voting for a possibility, for a fantasy.

I admit it, what some of you have always suspected and derided. From time to time I have voted Republican, to the consternation, dismay and contempt of those who think I should know better.

Yes, I am about to comment on myself. When I wrote the previous, the individual who had forwarded the Dowd article to me got irate. He had several issues, which I will try to state acurately in the follow on posting, but as I no longer have access to the discussion, I may, at best, only approximate them and even so cannot really claim to have ever understood what anyone was “really” thinking.

So, not wanting to leave those concerns unaddressed, the follow on posting is “The Politics of Compassion”

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